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Online Workshop

PSCORE’s 2020 Online Workshop facilitates a thorough discussion central around five different topics. Our participants come from all around the world, but they share a common interest in the Korean reunification matter.

Our workshop’s primary objective is to provide a safe platform which enables young people from different nationalities to engage in an open dialogue in the hope to widen their perspectives on the multifaceted nature of the Korean Peninsula and the issues it is currently facing.

This workshop took place over several sessions where participants discussed their views and debated solutions among an international cohort including North Korean defectors. This opportunity allowed for participants to be party to a poignant workshop, gaining a deeper understanding of the various impacts of the division of North and South Korea, as well as hopefully inspiring participants to take part in further action to assist the cause of millions of North Koreans suffering both within and outside of their country.

You can see the results of the 2020 Workshop by scrolling down and watch a series of videos where our participants reflect on their group’s debate. After the success of our 2020 Workshop, PSCORE is looking forward to hosting the next round of sessions to bring more minds to the table and continue this important discussion.

Keynote Speech

President Speech

See the videos for the five key topics of PSCORE’s 2020 Online Workshop below

Korean history quiz between North and South Korean students

In this 4-part video series, two North Korean defector students and two South Korean students play a quiz-style game together to highlight just how different the education systems of North and South Korea are by answering questions about history indoctrination and education that they’ve learned in school.
In this first part, we begin to learn how different the perceptions of history are in North Korea because of the distorted history curriculum, even though North Korea’s history is technically the same as South Korea’s. This episode focuses on details surrounding the Korean War and ancient Korea.
In this second part of our 4-part video series, the four students continue to explore the differences in the education systems of North and South Korea by answering questions about history indoctrination and education that they’ve learned in school. This second part continues to focus on the warped history curriculum of North Korea, as well as learning about different historical figures of Korea and how they are differently perceived in North Korea vs South Korea.
This is the third installment in this 4-part video series where North Korean defector students and South Korean students play a game together to learn about how different the education systems in North and South Korea are. In this video, we will see how the people in North vs South Korea hold different perceptions because of North Korea’s warped brainwashing techniques in their education system. We’ll take a close look at both North and South Korean school textbooks in subjects such as English, Chinese characters, math, and even music to see how different the two education curriculums are, and perhaps most shockingly, see how propaganda pervades even the smallest details of North Korean education.
This is the fourth and final part in our 4-part video series about the differences between North and South Korea’s education systems and the consequences of those differences towards the people’s perceptions. In our final part, we continue to look at the brainwashing education techniques of the North, taking a look at how the education system promotes idolization of the regime and a demonization of foreign nations. As we conclude this fun and interesting video series, we hope that viewers have learned more about the North Korean education system as well as grow to understand each other a little bit more.