Online Seminar
PSCORE’s 2020 Seminar sought to shed light on and listen to the voices of young individuals. Hence, seven key representatives from North Korea, South Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Russia and Germany have gathered to challenge the status quo of reunification through deciphering diverse perspectives.
PSCORE’s 2020 Seminar was an opportunity to hear from speakers specializing in the field of North and South Korean relations. Our participants gave their honest opinions on reunification while also sharing funny or odd experiences in South Korea in this two-part series. This seminar was an educational and enjoyable opportunity to learn about both contemporary and historical issues faced by North and South Korea.
PSCORE’s 2020 seminar was made up of representatives from seven different countries: North Korea, South Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Russia and Germany. By inviting participants from both North and South Korea, PSCORE aimed to engage in nuanced and effective discussion comparing experiences in the two countries. Furthermore, PSCORE considered it important to invite representatives from foreign countries, since each of these participating countries plays an important role in foreign policy on North and South Korean issues.
Given the success of the 2020 seminar, PSCORE looks forward to organizing other seminars for which new speakers and guests will be invited for further discussion on North and South Korean relations. If you want to hear our participants’ speeches and opinions on Korean reunification please click on their respective countries to watch their videos below.