加入我们并开设PSCORE社团! PSCORE社团鼓励国际社会人士参与到朝鲜的人权斗争。 您可以自行决定社团的范围和组织。
什么是 PSCORE社团?
PSCORE社团向朋友、家人、邻里和政界人士提出有关朝鲜的问题。 您可以在自己的学校、工作场所或社区组织与朝鲜人权相关的运动,请愿和筹款活动。 活动将有助于提高您所在社区对脱北者的认识,向国际社会施加压力,让他们更加关注朝鲜的侵犯人权行为,并有助于筹集金钱和非金钱捐助,为脱北者提供他们应得的福祉。
朝鲜的侵犯人权行为时常被忽视。 因此,任何旨在提高朝鲜人权意识的行动或参与都是非常有价值和值得赞赏的。 我们很乐意为您提供必要的资源和支持。 您唯一需要的是你的热情、灵感和创造力来启动你的社团!
我们希望您和我们一样热情,并希望帮助 PSCORE 提高对朝鲜人权问题的认识。 我们正在寻找愿意在自己家乡为朝鲜事业而奋斗的积极分子。 您向我们展示您的灵感和创造力,我们将为您提供资源和支持! 这是一个很好的机会,您可以独立学习如何在学校、工作场所或当地社区组织活动,并让朋友、邻居和当地政界人士了解朝鲜的情况。 以下是在您的社区建立 PSCORE社团的几个原因:

initial steps
1. Educate yourself about North and South Korea. Check our recommended list of books, movies and journals for inspiration!
2. Contact the person in charge of club membership at your school/university/local club and learn about what steps you need to take to be recognized as an official club (this status often offers you certain privileges like use of photocopiers, space and sometimes even a monetary budget!).
3. Create a plan. What type of projects would you like to start? Are you interested in holding campaigns, fundraising or writing letters? Choose activities that interest you and your group and pursue that goal!
4. Promote! Get the word out about the exciting opportunity to become part of a positive change.
Fundraising Ideas
Have fun and do good! Some ideas to raise funds include collections, concerts, performances or sponsored activities. If you decide to collect outside, make sure to keep it legal and obtain the necessary licenses beforehand. Concerts and performances at your schools, universities or workplace are a great way to get those around you interested while sharing your talent. Sponsored activities are easy to organize, and you can get your friends and family involved to help you out. It can be as simple as a sponsored silence, or as daring as a sponsored bungee-jumping.