Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class '' not found in /pscorehr/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324 Fund for North Korean Refugees - North Korea - Human Rights - PSCORE

Dona ora

La tua generosa donazione renderà possibili più salvataggi e influenzerà le vite dei nordcoreani.

Informazioni personali

Totale della donazione: $10.00

Types of donations


Unisciti al nostro programma mensile per donare regolarmente. Puoi cambiare idea in qualsiasi momento.


Attraverso il nostro insegnamento privato, le lezioni settimanali di lingua inglese e grazie a donatori come te, i nostri studenti saranno meglio equipaggiati per iniziare studi universitari o fare carriera.

Bank Information

Read about PSCORE's bank account information.


La tua donazione, sia essa piccola, avrà un impatto positivo sulle vite di centinaia di rifugiati nordcoreani. Ecco come:

Where does the donation money go to?

As a nonprofit organization, we use our donation money wisely. Every penny is raised to help us work towards our greatest mission. We have a long journey ahead of us to reach our mission; which is to put an end to the human rights violations taken place in the secretive state North Korea. Your support helps us develop a well-integrated North Korean community within South Korea to unite us as a nation. Through fundamental mentoring, rescuing missions and awareness campaigns about North Korean human rights we desire the world to recognize the urgency of this issue to help save defectors and advocate an end to human rights abuses in North Korea by bringing awareness in to schools, universities or at the United Nations. 

We empower North Korean defectors and provide them education in order for them to create the best opportunities possible, to integrate in South Korea community.

Puoi vedere come usiamo le nostre donazioni nella pagina Donazioni e Spese.