如果棍子斷了,被挨打的學生就必須再做一根新的棍子。—— 金慧碩 (化名)
The physical abuse of a child can be defined as the intentional use of physical force against a child, and can involve methods such as hitting or beating.

據證詞表明,在朝鮮國家機關單位的大多數施暴者通常不會被追究責任。一位受害者的父親向我們講述了一段真實而又可怕的經歷。2011年8月,朝鮮國家安全局(State Security Department)的特工以觀看韓國電影為由逮捕了他的兒子。他的兒子在被拘留期間受到了嚴刑拷打。“他的左腳踝粉碎性骨折,臉上處處都是淤青,嚴重毀容。” 因此,父母不得不提供了大量賄賂,之後朝鮮國家安全局才作罷釋放了他的兒子。然而不幸的是這名男孩在幾天後因曾遭受過酷刑而導致腦出血,最終仍然痛苦地離開了人世。
—— 鄭光伊(化名)
Sexual abuse can be considered the subjection of a child to sexual activity that they cannot fully comprehend, consent to, or are undevelopmentally prepared for. Sexual abuse can be occur by either an adult or other children.
At the age of 10, Su-jin stayed in the care of a man. He would touch Su-jin's body while she was asleep. It continued many times throughout her stay in the house, which lasted around a month. At first, he only groped Su-jin's body. But as time passed, the man also started taking Su-jin's small hand to rub and press against his own body. Su-jin still remembers the sensation vividly. At the time, she felt ashamed and confused. The feeling was unpleasant and gave her goosebumps, but she didn't know exactly why she felt those things and why he was doing what he was doing.
One defector, Ji-young, told PSCORE that one night when she was 7 years old, as she was asleep wedged among the many people in her home, she awoke to an unfamiliar sensation. Her hand was inside one of the guest's pants, a man who was her mother's cousin. Ji-young was unsure of what was happening, as it was a completely unfamiliar situation for a 7-year-old. However, the unpleasant sensation remains stark in her memories to this day. At the time, all she could do was pretend to sleep and try to avoid her abuser for the rest of his stay.
A year later, when Ji-young was 8-years-old, she spent some time in the care of her relatives. In that house, usually 5 or more people had to share a small room to sleep. Ji-young did not enjoy staying at this house and often cried. She was quietly sobbing one night when she felt someone climb on top of her. She felt a hand grope her bare skin under her clothes, but she did not dare open her eyes. Everyone was sleeping together in the room, and the perpetrator's wife was sleeping right next to them. Ji-young didn't want to wake them, or more accurately, she was afraid that even if they did awaken, they would pretend not to see. Ji-young did not think any of them would help her. Slowly, she turned her body as if turning in her sleep and fortunately, he quietly got off of her. Ji-young was very scared and felt devastated, but it occurred to her that for some reason, she shouldn't let the others find out that she was awake, so she did her best to stifle her sobbing.
When she was 17-years-old, taller, and more mature, the sexual abuse occurred more often. Some days it was her uncle's friend, and on other days it was her father's friend or her aunt's friend and so on. They would touch Ji-young or put her hand inside their pants. She was always awake when it happened, but never made it known. The abusers would spend days at her home, and she had no choice but to face them during the day.
One night, an uncle who was high on a drug called “pingdu” assaulted her. For the first time in Ji-young's life, she resisted with all her strength and pushed him off. The anger and sorrow she had been bottling up exploded all at once and she shouted at him, demanding him to explain himself. The uncle was still intoxicated, but he saw her tear-stained face and apologized. However, Ji-young could stand it no longer. She told her stepmother about her uncle's assault and her stepmother assured her that he would be punished by Ji-young's father. However, later that day her father and uncle came home laughing together. Far from being punished, her uncle was exchanging jokes with Ji-young's father. Ji-young felt devastated. Whether it was her stepmother who hadn't told her father, or her father choosing to ignore what happened, Ji-young felt like she was not being protected.
After that day her uncle became violent. He slapped Ji-young for not serving his meal promptly and began to hit her constantly. And so, one day when her uncle again tried to hit her, Ji-young left the house with nothing but the clothes on her back. That was the day Ji-young left North Korea.
More than 10 years have passed, but Ji-young still remembers each incident of sexual abuse, all the way back to when she was just 7 years-old. People tell her how fortunate she was not to have been raped, but one cannot help but ask, was she truly fortunate?
When So-hee was 16 years old, she and her family stayed at her relative's house, which housed two male cousins. Again, the incident happened when everyone had gone to sleep near each other in the same room. So-hee's eldest cousin, who had been laying next to her, wrapped his arms around her waist. Although it had woken her, So-hee thought his actions were done in his sleep. Then, she felt his hand thrust inside her pants. She sprang up and went to lie between her parents, but was so repulsed that she was unable to fall asleep. Day broke and she was faced with her cousin, who he greeted her smilingly as if nothing had happened during the night.
Another night. So-hee awoke to find her other male cousin hugging her from behind. She could feel his stiff penis against her back. When So-hee slowly turned to look, he gave her a grin, which made her hair stand on end.
The ultimate reason So-hee escaped to China in 2014 was because her boyfriend at the time tried to initiate sexual intercourse without her consent. In fact, So-hee had no knowledge of how reproduction worked at the time and was scared that she could become pregnant from intimate contact alone. The combination of shame regarding premarital.
As a teenager, So-hee frequently witnessed her PE teacher and school principal sexually harassing students. It happened on a daily basis, and because there was no sexual education or awareness on the part of the students, they didn't understand the significance and simply felt embarrassed.
Whenever So-hee recalls her secondary school days, her PE teacher is the first thing that springs to her mind. The teacher would unashamedly touch female students during their PE classes. The scene of him fondling the breasts and buttocks of the female students hanging on the horizontal bars is still vivid in her mind. There was no way for So-hee or the other students to escape the teacher's groping hands come PE class.
The school principal would constantly spit out comments like, “Why are your buttocks so large?” or “I see your breasts have become bigger”. The students simply took it as teasing, and because it happened so often, they thought nothing of it other than feeling embarrassed. It was only after So-hee came to South Korea did she realize the inappropriateness of such comments.
sexual contact and the terror of being pregnant caused So-hee to flee to China like a fugitive.
此外,根據眾多消息透露,朝鮮公共街道上的性騷擾非常的猖獗。 尤其是朝鮮士兵占據高施虐率。盡管士兵如果被發現犯有強奸罪,他們可能會在結束兵役前被遣送回家,並剝奪他們在黨內工作的所有機會,但大多數性暴力案件都沒有向當局呈報,犯罪的士兵也通常會逃脫相應的懲罰。
Eun-young had to start trading when she was 14 in order to support herself and her family. While transporting goods to trade on crowded buses, men would grope her breasts and buttocks. This would happen on a daily basis. Even though her body was not yet mature, it seemed like it didn't matter to the men as long as she was female. Eun-young would twist her body or try to push their hands away, but that only gave her a moment's reprieve. As the men groped, they would stare into the women's eyes, daring them to cry out. It was the women who then had to avoid the men's eyes and turn their heads away in shame.
It was not only on buses that sexual abuse occurred. There were numerous inspection points between Eun-young's starting and final destinations. Any time a security officer, guard, or police officer initiated an inspection, they would frisk each person's body to check for prohibited items. The authorities could grope as blatantly as they wished and no one could complain. It was a matter of survival. Getting through the inspection without incident was more important than thinking about the sexual harassment. Not a single woman complained about being touched.
Sometimes, Eun-young would transport her goods via train instead of bus, but there were often multiple lengthy stops due to power shortages. When the trains lost power, the darkness allowed men to grope blatantly. It was as if they were just waiting for the trains to lose power and the lights to go off to begin their assaults.
It was no use crying out when being groped. All Eun-young and the other girls and women could do was try to avoid them by hiding in a corner.
If it appeared that the train would not move for a while, people would head to a nearby inn and all share a room regardless of gender or age. All sorts of things would happen in those rooms filled with strangers sleeping side by side. As it was a power outage that led everyone there in the first place, the inns were also dark, and it was difficult to even see the person next to you.
A man climbed on top of the woman lying next to Eun-young. The man muffled the woman's mouth and told her he would kill her if she made a sound. His voice could be heard by Eun-young who was lying right next to them. Being so close, she could hear the rustling sounds of clothes being removed and the man moving. The woman didn't make a sound throughout the ordeal, and when it was over the man went back to his place as if nothing had happened. The only reason that man didn't climb on top of Eun-young was because she was with her aunt. It was something that happened frequently to women traveling alone without company. Her aunt whispered quietly, “if it didn't happen to you, then don't pay any attention to it. It happens all the time if you trade. You'll only invite trouble for yourself if you intervene.” That's probably what the majority of the people in the room were thinking, and why no one stopped him or intervened.
According to Eun-young, what she experienced was extremely common. Stories she heard of neighbors and family members were not extraordinary occurrences that only happened to certain people. Whenever she recalled those groping men on the buses and trains, it seemed to Eun-young that there wasn't a single man to be trusted in the entire world. How could she trust men who only saw women as bodies, and who groped her when she was still just a child? The more she ruminated over it as an adult, the more anger she felt: towards herself who hadn't cried out, and towards those men who had groped her when she was not even fully mature. These feelings tormented Eun-young in the form of nightmares for a long time.

The failure of a parent or other responsible adults to provide for the development or well-being of a child. Children may be neglected in areas such as health, education, emotional development, nutrition, or shelter.

人們對待欺淩的態度通常認為那都是受害者的過錯,因此他們活該受罪。這種對受害者的羞辱造成了在家庭和學校裏家長和老師們對朝鮮兒童的情感忽視。兒童往往會產生這樣的印象: 他們沒有得到照顧,也無法從處於照顧地位的成年人那裏得到任何的情感支持。遭受性虐待的人對自己的遭遇通常保持沈默,這種沈默的影響反過來也加重了情感上的忽視。
Psychological abuse comprises acts that may damage a child’s physical, mental, moral, or social development. This may involve the restriction of movement, blaming or discriminating, among others.
” 10名槍手射殺了4名死刑犯,鮮血四濺。當我看到犯人倒下的畫面,自此吃東西都沒有什麽胃口。”