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PSCORE's Mission

We care deeply about the rights of North Korean people. Knowing those will be respected only when reunification happens, we try our very best in making this happen faster. We advocate an end to human rights abuses in North Korea by acting internationally in schools, universities, or at the United Nations. We aim to empower North Korean defectors and provide them with what they need for their integration in South Korea. We give them the means to complete their education in order to get the best chances possible. We also provide opportunities for defectors to bond with people, and take part in everyday life events with people with similar experiences.

Here are some of our results since our beginning in 2006:

Defectors helped in education program
Volunteer teachers
Rescue missions in China
Oral presentations to the UN
Side events held at UN Human Rights Council sessions
English textbooks designed for North Korean defectors and published
Books published
Interns from all over the worlds
Campaigns and street events
Rock Out concert editions