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[Donga] For a North Korean Defector, an English Teacher from America is a Savior

[Las Vegas Sun] Human rights pushed aside in discussions with North Korea

[Student News Daily] World #3: Defector: Sanctions have not curbed North Korea ‘guest workers’

[Intellasia] Escaped worker fears N Korea stepping up forced labour

[The Investor] Escaped worker fears N.Korea stepping up forced labor

[Against Crony Capitalism] North Korean Defector Describes “Prison Camp” Conditions for Slaves Sent Overseas

[Share News] Escaped worker fears North Korea stepping up forced labor

[IR Insider] Conversation with Ro Hee-Chang, Former North Korean Official

[The Washington Free Beacon] North Korean Defector Describes ‘Prison Camp’ Conditions for Slaves Sent Overseas

[The Korea Herald] Escaped worker fears N.Korea stepping up forced labor


[France24] Escaped worker fears N.Korea stepping up forced labor

[Daily Mail] Escaped worker fears N.Korea stepping up forced labor

[This is MONEY] Escaped worker fears N.Korea stepping up forced labor

[The Guardian] Escaped worker fears North Korea stepping up forced labor

[newsDey!] Escaped worker fears North Korea stepping up forced labor

[Breitbart] Former North Korean Slave Laborer Shares ‘Truly Nightmarish Conditions’

[Kimberly NEC] Escaped Worker Fears North Korea Stepping Up Forced Labor

[Metro Starng] Escaped worker fears North Korea stepping up forced labor

[360Post] Escaped worker fears North Korea stepping up forced labor

[Nigerian Oracle] Escaped Worker Fears North Korea Stepping Up Forced Labor

[Albawaba] N. Korean Defector Says Pyongyang Not Effected by Sanctions

[Business Insider] What N.K experts don’t understand about the country, according to a defector

[Business Insider] A N.K defector says Trump understands Kim Jong Un better than S.K does, but summit won’t solve anything

[Business Insider] North Koreans understand their government lies, but there’s one thing they don’t know

[Human Rights Watch] UN: Maintain Pressure for Justice on North Korean Abuses

[The Northern Advocate] Bream Bay College teacher to share Korean knowledge

[IB Times] The harrowing story of a North Korean soldier’s defection from the brutal Kim regime

[Daily NK] An elite defector’s perspective on North Korea

[Premier] Video appearing to show North Korean anti-Christian propaganda leaks online

[The Diplomat] North Korea’s Faceless Defectors

[Bolan Times International] “No Human Rights in North Korea” Mr.Bada Nam claimed

[NK News] Seoul asks S.Koreans to avoid North Korean restaurant abroad

[TIME] See the London Suburb Home to One of the World’s Biggest North Korean Refugee Communities

[NK News] NGO urges solution to N.Korean foreign labor exploitation

[Daily NK] PSCORE Hosts Poetry Contest for North Korean Human Rights

[The Korea Herald] PSCORE rock fund-raiser to help defectors

[Xindex] For defectors, getting out of North Korea is only part of the problem

[Radley News] PSCORE’s visit to Radley College in March 2014

[Korea JoongAng Daily] ‘Apostle’ heading to the UN

[The Korea Herald] Holiday party with N.K. refugees

[The Korea Herald] N. Korean human rights workshop in Seoul

[The Korea Herald] DP Human Rights Conference

[openDemocracy] Korea after reunification: challenges and opportunities

Volunteer with North Korean students!

Teaching North Korean Refugees

For PSCORE, It’s About Building Bridges

[dailyNK] Future of North Korean Human Rights Debate Opens

[Korea JoongAng Daily] PSCORE’s got the word on helping new defectors

[The Korea Herald] Giving back: How to get involved in community

[Prishtina Press] PSCORE Expands Concert Series to New York

[The Korea Herald] English tutors sought for N.K. defectors

[The Korea Herald] English tutors sought for N.K. defectors

[The Korea Herald] Hope and uncertainty for N.K. charities after Kim’s death

[The Korea Herald] Volunteers help N.Korean defectors cross over to new world in the South

[The Korea Herald] PSCORE: Uniting Koreans through teaching

[Open Democracy] Korea after reunification: Challenges and Opportunities

[Life Overseas] For PSCORE, It’s About Building Bridges

[The Korea Times] Mt. Baekdu erupts in 2016: Kim Jong-il

[Seoul Style] Teaching North Korean Refugees

[Expat Blog] Volunteer with North Korean students!

[Daily NK] Future of North Korean Human Rights Debate Opens

[Korea Joongang Daily] PSCORE’s got the word on helping new defectors

[The Korea Herald] Giving back: How to get involved in community

[The Argus] Interactive Communication through Education (Edition No.420)