Grant Writers, Translators & Tutors
Grant Writers: We are looking for volunteers who are experienced in grant writing (for U.S. or Europe grants) to share grant writing knowledge with our organization. If you are residing in Korea or visiting Seoul for a few weeks – contact us and share your skills with us! Email us if you are interested.
News Article Translators: PSCORE provides the latest news from North Korea to educate and inform North Koreans, South Koreans and the international community about current events and daily conditions in North Korea. We are in need of volunteers to translate news articles from Korean to English. This is a good opportunity for you who want to know more about the current state of North Korea and who’s interested in human rights. Volunteers can work from home.
Tutors: Students in our program have different backgrounds, are from different age groups, and have different skill levels. That is why each defector may have different learning goals and tutor-defector pair negotiates goals and timelines on their own according to the individual needs of the students; in order to achieve the desired level of education. The goal of the 1:1 mentoring program is to enhance defectors’ abilities to negotiate better educational and employment opportunities for themselves.
성통만사 서울 사무실 인턴
저희와 서울에서 함께 일하고 싶어하는 인턴들을 모집하고 있습니다. 지원자들 중 법학, 정치학, 아시아/동아시아학, 사회학, 경제학, 외교정책, 국제관계 등을 전공하는 재학생, 또는 최근 졸업한 학부/대학원생들 등 한국의 통일과 북한 인권에 관심이 많으신 분들을 우대합니다.
인턴십은 무급이지만, 학교의 허가를 받고 조건이 맞는 지원자에게 인턴십 학점을 제공할 수 있습니다. 풀타임과 파트타임 모두 인턴들을 모집하고 있으며, 가능하신 시간에 따라, 풀타임 인턴은 주 4일, 파트타임 인턴은 주 12시간 이상 근무합니다. 지원서 제출 시, 가능하신 시간과 근무 형태를 기입해 주십시오. 모집 인원이 찰 때까지 인턴들을 상시 채용을 할 예정입니다.
관심이 있으시면 PSCORE의 문의 양식을 통해 연락을 해주시거나 pscore@pscore.org으로 이메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
후술할 인턴십 부서 목록에서 각 인턴십 부서를 클릭하면 자세한 정보가 나와있으니 참고 부탁 드립니다.
We are seeking someone who can help develop and implement strategic marketing plans that will advance PSCORE’s brand and broaden awareness of its programs. Interns will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- plan and carry out social media campaigns
- build relationships with local organizations
- ensure consistent and effective communication of PSCORE’s brand across all channels
- report activity on PSCORE’s website and various social networking services
- manage data collection and analysis of PSCORE’s events and campaigns
- general knowledge of the following platforms:
- TikTok
- YouTube
- any Korean proficiency is a plus, but not required
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.
We are seeking someone who can assist in managing PSCORE’s education programs, including organizing one-on-one tutoring sessions and weekly conversational English classes for North Korean defectors. Teaching will not be required, but interns should have a strong interest in the field of education. The intern will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team, as well as communicate directly with North Korean defectors, to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- maintain and improve database of volunteer teachers and tutors
- contact students and volunteers regularly
- establish and maintain partnerships with volunteers and schools
- conduct interviews with North Korean defectors and volunteers
- manage matching process between students and volunteers
- proficiency in Korean is necessary
- excellent phone, email and general communication skills
- strong organizational skills and attention to detail
- working knowledge of MS Suite
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.
탈북학생 교육지원 프로그램 인턴 모집
안녕하세요, 사단법인성공적인통일을만들어가는사람들(이하 ‘성통만사’)입니다.
성통만사는 북한의 인권개선과 한반도의 평화적 통일을 염원하는 비정부 비정파적인 시민단체로서, 국내 북한인권 관련단체 중 유일하게 유엔 경제사회이사회(UN ECOSOC)로부터 협의기구 지위를 부여 받은 역량 있는 단체입니다.
저희 성통만사에서는 탈북청소년 교육지원 프로그램을 담당할 인턴을 모집합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
국내 인턴 모집
1. 채용분야 : 탈북청소년 교육지원 프로그램
- 1:1 튜터링 매칭 및 오리엔테이션 진행
- 성장멘토링사업 보조
- 수요영어교실 보조
- 문화활동 진행 및 보조
2. 채용인원 : 00명
3. 근무조건
- 근무시간 : 월-금 중 주 4회 이상 (9:30am6:00pm)
- 근무기간 : 최소 3개월 이상
- 급여수준 : 무급
4. 자격 조건 및 우대 사항
- 한국어 가능한 밝고 적극적인 성격의 소유자
- 장기 근무 가능자 우대
- 북한/인권/통일/교육/NGO 관련 전공자 및 활동 경험자 우대
- 엑셀 활용 가능자 우대
- 영어 가능자 우대
5. 혜택
- 봉사활동증명서 발급
- 인턴증명서 발급
- 탈북청소년들과의 교류
- 외국인과의 교류 (인턴의 80% 이상은 외국인 혹은 한국계 외국인)
- 세계 각 국의 외국인 인턴 및 북한인권 관련 국내외 주요인사들과의 만남 기회 제공
6. 심사방법 및 일정
- 서류전형 : 개별통보
- 면접전형 : 개별통보
7. 공고 및 원서접수
- 접수기간 : 상시 모집
- 접수방법 : 이력서를 작성하여 이메일(pscoreedu@pscore.org)로 접수
8. 제출서류
- 이력서
- 기타 어학능력증명서, 경력증명서 (해당자에 한하여 제출)
9. 유의사항
- 응시원서 등에 허위기재 또는 기재착오, 구비서류 미제출 등으로 인한 불이익은 응시자 본인의 책임으로 합니다.
- 제출한 서류는 일체 반환하지 않으며, 기재사항은 수정할 수 없습니다.
- 응시원서나 각종 증명서의 기재내용이 사실과 다른 경우 합격을 취소할 수 있습니다.
- 신청인원이 채용인원과 같거나 미달하더라도 적격자가 없는 경우 선발하지 않을 수 있습니다.
10. 문의사항
- 전화 : 02)6497-5035
- FAX : 02)6497-5037
- 이메일 : pscoreedu@pscore.org
- 홈페이지 : www.pscore.org
We are seeking an exceptional intern who can develop and manage PSCORE’s website, offering technical support and reporting on website traffic. Interns will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- develop and improve web page infrastructure (WordPress)
- analyze web usage and conduct search engine optimization (SEO)
- manage and organize web content
- integrate social media platforms with website to enhance public engagement
- technically savvy self-starter with strong organizational skills and attention to detail
- working knowledge of web programming languages and content management system (CMS) programs
- familiarity with WordPress, Google Console and Google Ads is a plus; but not required
- fluency in Korean is a plus, but not required
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.
We are seeking a talented intern who can create creative designs for PSCORE. Interns will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- design and create illustrations for publications and promotion materials
- work closely with social media interns to build PSCORE’s public brand
- contribute original design proposals and assist in building brand strategies
- improve website layout with engaging graphic designs including, but not limiting to: photos, banners, icons, and infographics
- self-starter with strong attention to detail
- working knowledge of design software such as:
- Adobe Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign
- Canva
- familiarity with film editing software is a plus; but not required
- proficiency in Korean is a plus; but not required
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.
We are seeking an exceptional intern who can conduct research on human rights abuses in the DPRK for our reports, publications, grant applications and financial reports. Interns will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- support research duties and prepare reports for upcoming UN events
- monitor and document human rights abuses in DPRK from a wide variety of sources including, but not limiting to: UN documents, governments, local media, NGOs, diplomats, and scholars in the field
- collect and analyze data from testimonies and other information to support ongoing projects
- prepare advocacy materials, policy briefs, communication messages, position statements relevant to on-going campaigns
- assist with researching, submitting, and fulfilling grant applications
- self-starter with strong interpersonal and organizational skills
- exceptional writing skills and attention to detail
- working knowledge of MS Suite
- proficiency in Korean is a plus, but not required
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.
We are looking for an intern who can film and edit videos for PSCORE’s YouTube channel (and other social media platforms) that will advance awareness on key issues regarding North Korean human rights, Korean relations, and potential reunification. Interns will have an exciting opportunity to work closely with a young, dynamic team to actively promote North Korean human rights.
- filming, editing, and uploading videos
- work with the team to come up with new ideas and plan videos
- manage video campaigns
- reach out to potential interviewees/video candidates
- work with the social media team to optimize video Search Engine Optimization
- experience with video editing softwares
- general knowledge of social media trends
- filming and editing equipment is a plus; but not required
- proficiency in Korean is a plus; but not required
Candidates who can commit to 4 – 6 months will be given preference.
We review applications on a rolling basis. Position is open until filled.