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Dear Friends of PSCORE,

Due to your continued interest and participation, we, PSCORE (People for Successful COrean REunification), will be holding a seminar in April during the North Korean Freedom Week concerning the North Korean Human Rights Bill and we will be providing an interpreter for the event.

People for Successful COrean REunification will be hosting a seminar titled as, “How the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Bill could take place in a desirable and appropriate way.” In more detail, we will discuss how applicable the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Bill may be when we foresee the reunification of the two Koreas and the North-South social integration that will follow. The seminar will be based on the universal human rights values and will revisit the North Korean Human Rights Bill (of South of Korea). It will also involve discussions of what roles the South Korean and the international communities may need to take on in order to bring about the changes in North Korean society and the establishments of their human rights.

We will also present the results of our surveys that asked the North Korean defectors (currently residing in South Korea) of their evaluations of the former government’s (before President Lee’s election) and of the current government’s North Korea policy and North Korean human rights policy. Through such display of data, we seek to delineate where our current North Korea policy is heading.

We hope you will be much interested and involved in our event.


PSCORE – People for Successful COrean REunification


Hello, this is People for Successful COrean REunification.

Due to the last year’s Cheonanham incident and Yeonpyong Island’s artillery attack, the interest in North Korean problems and the reunification has been growing among the people, regardless of age and generations.

People for Successful COrean REunification will be hosting a seminar titled as, “How the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Bill could take place in a desirable and appropriate way.” The seminar will be based on the universal human rights values and will revisit the North Korean Human Rights Bill (of South of Korea). It will also involve discussions of what roles the South Korean and the international communities may need to take on in order to bring about the changes in North Korean society and the establishments of their human rights.

This event is a continuation of our first annual North Korean Human Rights Week, which began taking place in Seoul from 2010, will be co-hosted by Sun-Yeong Park, the Liberty Forward Party’s spokesperson who has been actively involved in the North Korean human rights issues. The seminar will be joined by a main North Korean human rights organization in the U.S. called “North Korea Freedom Coalition” (representative: Susan Scholte) along with the experts from within South Korea, and will involve much discussions concerning how the North Korean human rights bill can be enacted in a desirable and appropriate way.

By all means, we hope that this event will be attended by many of you who are interested in bringing changes in North Korea and in establishing human rights in North Korea and that it would be a meaningful place where valuable ideas and insights are openly shared.

Thank you.


(Seminar Schedule)

Date: Wednesday April 27th, 2011, 2pm~6pm

Venue: National Assembly Library B1 Floor Small Conference Room

Host: Park, Sun-Yeong, Spokesperson of the Liberty Forward Party

Co-hosted by: People for Successful COrean REunification (PSCORE), Coalition for North Korean Women’s Rights

Seminar Order of Program:

  • National Ceremony
  • Opening Statement: Park, Sun-Yeong (Spokesperson of the Liberty Forward Party)
  • Congratulatory Address: Lee, Hoi-Chang (Representative of the Liberty Forward Party)
  • Congratulatory Address: Park, Hee-Tae (Chairman of the National Assembly)
  • Congratulatory Address: Suzanne Scholte (Chairman of the North Korea Freedom Coalition)
  • Congratulatory Address: Hwang, Woo-Yeo (Representative of the National Assembly Human Rights Forum)

Guest of Honor:

Coalition for North Korean Women’s Rights Film presentation of the human rights issues within North Korea.

Keynote Speech:

  • Ryu, Geun-Il (former chief editor of Chosen Ilbo): A message to South Korean National Assembly and the government (as they prepare for the enactment of the North Korean human rights bill) and the local citizen.

Survey Results: North Korean defectors’ evaluation of the NK human rights improvements and of each political party’s NK human rights issue countermeasures.

Photography and intermission-

<Debate> “How the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Bill could take place in a desirable and appropriate way “ – Foreseeing the North-South social integration upon Korean reunification after the enactment of the North Korean Human Rights Bill.

  • Moderator: Kim, Tae-Hoon (Lawyer, National Human Rights Commission: North Korean Human Rights Special Committee, Director)
  • Presenter:
    • Je, Sung-Ho (Professor of law at Jung-ang University, Foreign Office Minister for Human Rights)
    • Kim, Su-Ahm (Reunification researcher)
  • Panelists:
    • Daniel Pinkston (International Crisis Group, North East Asia Deputy Project Director),
    • Tsutomu Nishioka (National Association for the Rescue of Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea, Chairman),
    • Kim, Sung-Min (Representative of Free North Korea Radio) and
    • Ahn, Chan-Il (Chief the International North Korea Research Center)

Please note:

In order to enter the National Assembly Library, an individual identification is required. So please bring your identification card, passport, or other form of ID.

Venue Direction

<Republic of Korea National Assembly Library>

[By Seoul Metro Train]

Line #9 – National Assembly Station Exit # 6


For any inquiry, please contact:

People for Successful COrean REunification (PSCORE)

Mijeong B/D 3F, 405-216, Mok 1-dong ,Yangcheon-gu,

Seoul, Republic of Korea

<img src="image of korea" alt="Map of a unified Korea">